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The obtained results indicate that even
The obtained results indicate that even when the impairment of the same forms of memory are present, amnesia can develop in different ways. Impairment of memory reconsolidation in the conditioned food aversion model through both the serotonin receptor antagonist and the antagonist of NMDA glutamate
br Materials and methods br Results br Discussion More
Materials and methods Results Discussion More experiments were performed in order to explain the mechanism that is involved in dna repair pathways death both PC3 and Hep G2 cells using compound 5. Results showed that this compound inhibits cell viability inducing apoptosis in a concentrati
Diabetes or inflammation is associated with up regulation
Diabetes or inflammation is associated with up-regulation of A2AAR (Pang et al., 2010). High levels of A2AARs are found in macrophages and microglial cells that are poised, on activation, to abrogate the immune response (Trincavelli et al., 2008). In addition, hyperglycemia is associated with increa
Renal cell carcinoma RCC accounts for more than
Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) accounts for more than 12,000 cancer deaths in the United States (Jemal et al., 2003). The current treatment includes surgical resection followed by interleukin-2 or Interferon-α treatment. Some patients experience distant metastatic lesions of RCC. In the last 5 years, re
br Material and methods br Results br Discussion Clinical
Material and methods Results Discussion Clinical gene therapy trials with viral vectors have been in use for treatment of various genetic disorders and diseases, however efficacious, targetable and highly reliable non-viral delivery systems are needed for safe and long-term applications. De
br Conclusion Growth survival and invasion
Conclusion Growth, survival, and invasion of most PCs have been shown to be androgen-dependent at the onset of castration therapy [31]. Thus, castration therapy has been central to systemic therapy and remains the standard approach to PC treatment. Even after progression to a castration-resistant
Axl has been reported to mediate cell cell
Axl has been reported to mediate cell-cell adhesion and sphere-growth [11], [18] and to be important for metastasis to secondary organs [12], [14], [20]. We found an Axl-dependent CCRCC-ability of sphere-formation and repopulation after non-adhesive growth. Axl-inhibited cells could not attach to ea
Phagosomes acquire some hydrolases early during their
Phagosomes acquire some hydrolases early during their journey from the cell surface to lysosomes. An example for such hydrolase is cathepsin H which is most concentrated in the early phagosome at a pH of approximately 6.3 (Claus et al., 1998), the pH optimum of enzyme activity (Schwartz and Barrett,
Introduction Apoptosis signal regulating kinase ASK a family
Introduction Apoptosis signal-regulating kinase 1 (ASK1), a family member of the mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase kinase kinase (MAP3K) family, selectively activates the JNK and p38 MAP kinase pathways in response to various types of stresses, including oxidative stress, and subsequently indu
cx 4945 NOS is classified into three isoforms
NOS is classified into three isoforms: endothelial (eNOS), neuronal (nNOS), and inducible (iNOS), iNOS is expressed in macrophages (Eisenstein, Huang, Meissler Jr, & al-Ramadi, 1994) and osteoblast-like cells (Riancho et al., 1995) and is involved in the regulation of inflammatory reactions (Eisenst
br Guava tea leaves inhibit leukocyte type lipoxygenase
Guava tea leaves inhibit leukocyte-type 12-lipoxygenase activity Guava tea that is extracted from guava leaves contains a number of polyphenols, and is commonly taken as a dietary supplement. The extracts show a variety of beneficial effects such as antioxidative, anti-inflammatory and antiprolif
Recent genome wide association studies have indicated
Recent genome-wide association studies have indicated SORL1 as a risk factor for AD (Meng et al., 2007, Rogaeva et al., 2007, Wen et al., 2013). SORL1, is expressed in neurons (Yin et al., 2015) and also regulates APP traffic from the cell membrane to the Golgi apparatus. A reduction in its expressi
Another possible scenario is that the same pathologic
Another possible scenario is that the same pathologic process has different effects in different people. It might be that the pathway outlined in Fig. 6A is operative in some individuals, but other individuals have a factor Q (which could be genetic or environmental) that blocks the effect of A on T
br Author contributions br Funding
Author contributions Funding This work was supported by the Czech Science Foundation, project no. 14-16220S. Additional support was provided by NIH R01CA117907 grant awarded to J.M.E. Conflict of interest Introduction The dioxin-like family includes polyhalogenated aromatic hydrocarbons
br Methods br Results br Discussion Adiponectin is naturally
Methods Results Discussion Adiponectin is naturally expressed and secreted exclusively from adipocytes, and adiponectin levels and its isoforms in circulation have recently been reported to highly associate with human coronary artery disease (CAD) [46], [47], [48], [49], these studies clear
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