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neuronal metabolism We are in the midst
We are in the midst of a paradigm shift for antenatal and intrapartum care: from focusing mainly on coverage to also considering quality as an essential component of improving health systems, as stated in the WHO vision on quality of care and other efforts. For intrapartum care, poor quality at faci
br Homing of DTCs to the HSC niche The HSC
Homing of DTCs to the HSC niche The HSC niche is a complex microenvironment comprised of many cell types, including endothelial cells, adipocytes, osteoclasts, osteomacs, and buy SRT1720 of osteoblastic lineage [5]. A healthy HSC niche provides homing signals to healthy HSCs in order to promote
LQT can have numerous clinical
LQT1 can have numerous clinical manifestations, ranging from no symptoms to sudden cardiac death, which reflects the heterogeneity in channel dysfunction. Mutation type, location, and even a patient׳s ethnic background, age, and gender are critical factors that affect the pathophysiology of the dise
Bisphosphonates significantly reduce or prevent SREs The use
Bisphosphonates significantly reduce or prevent SREs. The use of Zol for patients with bone metastases is currently the gold standard treatment [4]. However, it is still unclear whether Zol contributes to a survival benefit [9]. Niikura et al. recently reported that Zol did not prolong progression-f
voltage gated sodium channel br Conclusion br Financial supp
Conclusion Financial support This research was supported by a grant from the ׳Gerencia de Salud, Consejería de Sanidad, Junta de Castilla y Leon׳ [GRS 308/A/08] and ‘Caja Burgos Foundation’ [Convocatoria 2007].The funding organization had no involvement in the study. Clinical trial registra
A systematic review of population
A systematic review of 56 population-based studies of the incidence and early case fatality of stroke, published from 1970 to 2008, showed that, in ten low-income and middle-income countries, the age-adjusted incidence of stroke more than doubled, from 52 per 100 000 person-years in 1970–79 to 117 p
En esa reuni n se acord
En esa reunión se acordó hacer un llamamiento para sugerir acciones de cara d-cycloserine anular aquella celebración. Al día siguiente, se realizó una asamblea en el Casal Catalán a la que ya acudieron un centenar de personas, convocadas de forma improvisada y movilizadas por el boca a boca. Federic
br Martyn Plummer and colleagues September analyse
Martyn Plummer and colleagues (September, 2016) analyse the global burden of cancers attributable to infections in 2012. Despite the relatively low attributable proportion compared with other infectious agents, liver flukes, including and , were estimated to have caused 1300 new cases of cholangio
on October is an annual opportunity to revitalise
, on October 24, is an annual opportunity to revitalise attention and efforts towards the global eradication of this now rare but still fatal and devastatingly disabling infectious disease. 2014 has not felt like a good year for infectious disease control, yet just 3 months from now, a major date in
O efeito mim tico das pr ticas exercidas
O efeito mimético das práticas exercidas pela Igreja Universal teve impacto substancial no campo religioso, influenciando inclusive instituições fora do neopentecostalismo. Por exemplo, mediante este processo, a Igreja católica redobrou esforços para ampliar seu capital político. Neste caso, Emerson
br Unacceptably high rates of
Unacceptably high rates of adverse outcomes persist for childbearing women and infants, including maternal and newborn mortality, stillbirth, and short-term and long-term morbidity. In light of the challenges to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals, it is timely to reconsider priorities fo
br Discussion Furthermore most of the previously described c
Discussion Furthermore most of the previously described cases with a solitary lesion affecting bone involved the craniofacial bones [2–7], and only a few cases affected the appendicular skeleton. Several affected extra-craniofacial sites have been sporadically reported, for example: femur [8], ti
Long marginalised as a disorder confined to specific racial
Long marginalised as a disorder confined to specific racial groups, sickle-cell disease is now assuming its rightful place as a major global public health problem. Most patients in the Americas, the Caribbean, and much of Europe have been of one racial group, which led to the common misconception th
Esta idea se reforz con uno
Esta idea se reforzó con uno de los elementos identitarios oficiales de la organización, su propio escudo. La comil tomó cuatro de las características reconocibles del pgt histórico; es decir, las siglas, la estrella, la hoz y el martillo, y el círculo que enmarcó todos estos símbolos, mismos que de
Ad Mapu lleg a convertirse en un gran
Ad Mapu llegó stavudine convertirse en un gran referente que contribuyó al fortalecimiento de la conciencia de la situación mapuche, así lo explica Víctor Toledo al mencionar que es en este momento cuando aparece bosquejada la autodeterminación como propuesta del pueblo mapuche, y recuerda las palab
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