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br Methods br Results br Discussion For the
Methods Results Discussion For the first time, we report the characteristics of meridian acupoint temperatures in healthy medical college students, from which we can construct a meridian acupoint temperature map. The map vividly shows that the acupoint temperature is consistent within a nar
Diagnosis of pituitary metastasis could be missed
Diagnosis of pituitary metastasis could be missed by medical practitioners because most patients who developed pituitary metastasis are clinically asymptomatic. Patients may have signs and symptoms of nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and weight loss, which could also be viewed as pan-hypopituitarism, and
Early repolarization ER is characterized
Early repolarization (ER) is characterized by elevation of the QRS-ST junction (J point) and QRS notching or slurring (J wave) in multiple leads, especially the inferior and/or left precordial leads. Although this finding has been considered to be a benign ECG manifestation, Haïssaguerre et al repor
The mean follow up period was months ICD discharges and
The mean follow-up period was 12 months. ICD discharges and ventricular tachycardia (VT) events were recorded by reviewing Holter, exercise ECG tracings, ICD interrogation reports, and clinic visit notes. Sustained VT was considered as VT with a rate of >100 beats per minute and duration of >30s or
br Las fuerzas Impulsoras de la Internacionalizaci n
Las fuerzas Impulsoras de la Internacionalización de la ciencia y la technología en América latina Los eLementos indicativos de la internacionalizacion de la ciencia y la tecnología en América Latina Debates ytensiones en torno de la internacionalización de la ciencia y la technología en Amé
En el documental Tacos altos en
En el documental Tacos altos en el barro (Rolando Pardo, 2014), una de las travestis afirma que “somos seres humanos igual que ustedes”, mientras se esparce una crema por su rostro, rodeado de carencias económicas y de infraestructura de todo tipo. Esta cinta se ocupa de la relación entre prostituci
The patient was consented to treatment on clinical
The patient was consented to treatment on clinical trial NCT02527447 and received treatment with salvage chemotherapy of mitoxantrone 12mg/m2/day IV on days 1–3, etoposide 200mg/m2/day continuous IV infusion (CIV) on days 8–10, and cytarabine 500mg/m2/day CIV on days 1–3 and 8–10 (EMA). Infectious p
CTPB With the availability of vaccines screen and treat appr
With the availability of vaccines, screen-and-treat approaches, and effective drugs to treat hepatitis C virus, , and HIV infections, the question is no longer limited to what to do but now extends to how to implement. The expanding focus from basic research, drug development, and clinical trials th
Effective medical management of cutaneous metastasis arising
Effective medical management of cutaneous CCT007093 arising from internal malignancy is usually difficult. Systemic chemotherapy and local excision or radiation therapy may be considered. As for metastatic ampulla of Vater cancer, the more recent histological differentiation in intestinal and pancre
Is this perhaps a manifestation of the unequal distribution
Is this perhaps a manifestation of the unequal distribution of growth, reflecting a pattern whereby income increases over the past two decades have benefited only the better-off? The evidence suggests that this is unlikely: across countries, Vollmer and colleagues report similar associations between
br The past decade has seen
The past decade has seen increasing global policy attention to nutrition. Concrete steps have been taken to construct a global governance architecture for nutrition and also to mobilise resources for action. Efficacious, low-cost interventions exist, and there is greater consensus around technical
Interpretation Haitian children have unacceptable rates of
Interpretation Haitian children have unacceptable rates of raised blood lead concentrations, with an unexplained disproportionate elevation in children living in the Centre department. Our findings suggest that routine, widespread screening, detailed investigation into modifiable risk factors, targe
purchase CGS 35066 Fourth social rehabilitation and reintegr
Fourth, social rehabilitation and reintegration of patients with fistula along with purchase CGS 35066 sensitisation (to prevent the occurrence of fistula, as well as to mitigate against stigmatisation of fistula survivors) will be crucial to eliminate obstetric fistula. Many women might not seek s
It was imperative to make patients a
It was imperative to make patients a first priority who had a definitive diagnosis needing immediate, timely, and effective interventions, including primary coronary intervention (PCI), permanent purchase QX 314 chloride implantation, and were most likely to be admitted to CCU postprocedurally (Tab
The measurement of the PPI of
The measurement of the PPI of DP following entrainment pacing usually consists of measuring the interval between the last capturing stimulus and the next DP. This technique is generally based on the assumption that, in the presence of 1:1 capture, pacing depolarizes the zone of slow conduction in th
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