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br Malaria is a major
Malaria is a major public health problem and a leading cause of mortality worldwide, especially in sub-Saharan Africa, where 90% of the world\'s 627 000 malaria deaths occur every year. However, the disease is usually curable if diagnosed quickly. Diagnosis is often made on the basis of clinical s
MMAF Al observar las cuatro constituciones Brasil
Al observar las cuatro constituciones (Brasil, Argentina, Paraguay y Uruguay) se destaca una ejemplar redacción del Artículo 47 de la Constitución de Uruguay, al definir cuál es la prioridad en el uso del recurso además de determinar no sólo la participación social en la planificación de estrategias
Interpretation AMWHO is a useful forum for students to impro
Interpretation AMWHO is a useful forum for students to improve their knowledge of global health issues, and sharpen their skills in diplomacy, communication, problem solving, and conflict resolution. Emory University (Atlanta, GA, USA) will host the next national AMWHO conference in October, 2016. E
br Methods The study population comprised patients who under
Methods The study population comprised 150 patients who underwent implantations of Medtronic dual chamber pacemakers and who had maintained both atrial and ventricular sensing (either in DDD, DDI, or VDD modes) from March 2008 to October 2010. The implanted purchase Indoximod generators were eit
The IntellaTip Mifi catheter has been
The IntellaTip Mifi catheter has been shown to delineate local electograms better in the isthmus than the conventional bipolar electrode during atrial flutter ablation. The signal amplitude in the mini-electrodes has been noted to be higher than that of the conventional bipolar catheter. This has en
El trasfondo musical de la obra de sor
El trasfondo musical de la obra de sor Juana Inés de la Cruz ha recibido la atención de connotados críticos, tanto del ámbito de la música como del de las letras. Quien parece haber inaugurado en toda forma esta veta crítica es Alfonso Méndez Plancarte en su admirable anotación de la obra de sor Jua
In humans the two primary bile acids CA and CDCA
In humans, the two primary bile acids CA and CDCA make up approximately 70%–80% of the total bile E6 Berbamine pool. DCA is the major secondary bile acid, which may account for approximately 20% of the total bile acid pool. Among all bile acid species, the secondary bile acid LCA is highly toxic. L
March marked annual World TB Day
March 24 marked annual World TB Day, this year\'s theme being “reach the 3 million” who acquire tuberculosis every year but who do not get diagnosed, treated, or cured. Why do so many patients with this life-threatening infectious disease go under the radar? One reason, as Madhukar Pai and colleague
Second governments can play an important part in providing
Second, governments can play an important part in providing incentives for industry to invest in discovering new uses for old drugs. For example, it Ch 55 could consider the extension of patent protection for old drugs that have found new uses, for example, as embodied in the Hatch-Waxman Act in th
Performing an ajmaline test in
Performing an ajmaline test in children is problematic for 2 reasons. First, the test is apparently less sensitive in children than in adults. In fact, in 1 study, a repeat ajmaline challenge performed after puberty unmasked BrS in 23% of relatives with a previously negative drug test performed duri
AC regimens have also demonstrated better preventive effects
AC regimens have also demonstrated better preventive effects in terms of stroke than AP regimens [18–20], whereas major or minor bleeding events in Japanese patients with cardiovascular diseases were reported to be more frequent in patients taking AC than in those taking AP regimens [21]. To underst
Dehydroandrographolide cost En Sumar restar Carlos Fuentes e
En Sumar, restar, Carlos Fuentes efectivamente colabora con Kátharsis; elige, con cierta ironía, el diálogo escénico, la forma clásica señalada por Aristóteles para la catarsis; pone en acción Dehydroandrographolide cost tres personajes, un griego (Pitágoras), a una forma pura (el número uno) y a un
br La difusi n en Espa
La difusión en España de la Música práctica, impresa en Boloña en 1482 y escrita originalmente en latín, no sólo es innegable, sino decisiva Betaine lo largo del siglo xvi. Francisco Salinas es un firme defensor de las teorías de Ramos Pareja y, sobre todo, toma su partido en relación con las dife
The participants discussed several overarching
The participants discussed several overarching themes, concluding that research is too often separate from implementation. A crucial gap remains between the development of efficacious health interventions and their optimum delivery in real-life settings. This gap is particularly true in many low-inc
It s springtime for surgery declared Meena Cherian
“It\'s springtime for surgery!” declared Meena Cherian at the launch of the at the end of April. It certainly seems so. In a few days\' time, WHO Member State representatives will gather at the 68th World Health Assembly to discuss, among other things, the adoption a on surgical care and anaesthesia
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